By Mariana
Dear team,
After 5 months here it is my time to say goodbye.
I can’t find the words to thank you enough for everything you’ve taught me. I take a little piece I have learned from each one of you on my way home, and I hope that these little pieces are going to help me thrive and carry on with this new chapter of life.
I have some words to this -lately- VERY big team, so it may take me a few minutes.
For Michelle, I admire you a lot, lady. And I am sure everyone in this room can agree with me on this: you can control a tornado. Remember you have an amazing team at your back and try to delegate more! I remember one of our first talks when I arrived at the foundation, I asked you if it seemed odd for people for you to work for a foundation that worked mainly for Hispanics being an American, at the time we joked, but this conversation left an impact on me. I admire you the most for this, you are the live representation to one of my favorite (but very simple phrases): “You don’t have to be the cause to fight for the cause”. I thank you for fighting so passionately for issues that should concern all, but not many pay attention to.
Dear Andrea, I take from you practicality. I have met very few people as practical as you in the world. You leave an impact in very few words, you speak when you feel the need to, I truly want to have my brain as strategically placed as you. Thank you for receiving for the last couple of months, thank you for your flexibility and being my anchor at We Are All Human, I learned a lot from your way of working and communicating. Querida Liz, ever since I met you your nobility stood out. And it seems this is the impression you create on many. You are a genuine person and there is no doubt about it, I admire the way you try to shout other people’s strengths; I noticed it since the first day we met. I remember Chicago and our long and meaningful talks, you are a very accurate representation of how people (especially women) can thrive with a network of support.
Marianita, I felt like we have had a lot of adventures in so little time together. I am sure we will meet again in Mexico. Thank you for being beside me in this past month, I hope we both take as much as possible from this experience.
Paulina, oh Pau. I wished I could follow your advice and just -don’t leave-. You are amazing to be around with and I wish we could have spent more time together. I think you are amazing and have a huge huge potential, and I believe that your way of working will be very beneficial for the foundation.
Miguel, you are a machine. Your integrity as a person is easy to spot from a mile away. I hope you have the greatest of times working for the foundation. You are entering an amazing team, give your best! We all know you have lots to bring to the table.
Lorena, I met you very briefly, although I wished I could have gotten to know you more. I can see how genuine you are and how much you care for others. I hope our paths will meet again in the future.
Edu, the same as Lorena, I wish I could have gotten to know you more. I love your carefree vision of life, yet, you have your priorities clear. I wish I can find that balance later in life. Edu, lo mismo que Lorena. Me encanta tu manera despreocupada, sin embargo con prioridades claras, de ver la vida. Espero encontrar ese balance más tarde en mi vida.
They are not joking Beth, I truly take so much from you- and I’ve mentioned it a million times. Ever since day one, I felt your genuine intention to help the foundation grow. Thank you for, ever since the beginning, taking me as inexperienced as I was (and am) and taking the time and effort to guide me, you have helped grow in so many ways. I truly admire your way of working and I hope the years can shape me to be as dedicated as you are.
My dearest Caro, thank you for being a sister, a mentor and a friend. For me, the most important part of my life is my family, and you quickly made your way through mine. Thank you for being beside me this past few months, thank you for putting so much effort into guiding me, I do notice. You will forever take an important piece in the shaping of my life. Thank you for introducing me to the foundation and for placing faith in me, I have learned from this experience like you have no idea.
Lastly, Claudia, please keep spreading that generosity you are so characteristic of. I will forever be grateful for this opportunity. Your passion and dedication is something that inspires others, always keep using it at the favor of the world. I came here and it was the first time in my life (besides from my family) that I truly understood what a network of support was. Thank you for, alongside all of you, creating a sense of family I will take with me everywhere I go. I only wish I can give back this opportunity to someone else in my future. Thank you, thank you for including all of us in this mission, I am truly happy I got to be a small part of it.
It is going to be weird not being able to see you for the next few months, I will miss each and every one of you like you have no idea. I came here for 2 weeks and I ended up staying 5 months, and this has been the 5 months that I have grown most as a person in my life. Empowered women empower other women- sorry Miguel. And I, as a young person, feel so happy to have been surrounded by this group of people. You are all amazing life examples.
Keep fighting passionately for this cause, what all of you are doing is SO important. As you continue with life and decide to take your own paths or stay in this one, keep what you fought for in We Are All Human close to your heart. Keep spreading this beautiful message that has touched so many hearts. The foundation gets so many volunteers, so many helping hands and so many people interested because this message matters and it should have been spread years ago. You are the change-makers.
Every time you feel overwhelmed, remember why you joined, remember why you created this foundation and feel pride for what you are fighting for.
I am sure I will see you soon!
With love,